Five reasons that hamper your door’s appropriate function- How to fix it
Your safety and security are in jeopardized situations when a door refuses to close or keeps opening on its own. You may need to fix the issue to keep doors operating properly. It's possible that the door jam is warped, the hinges are drooping or the striking plate might slip! Whatever the cause of your door's inability to close, the information in this article can assist you in finding a solution. It is always wise to call a residential locksmith as it is not an easy DIY job. Preferring the trained hands of a professional makes the entire process easy and they ensure your property is safe. Here are the most common reasons why your door won't close and you need the support of a professional residential locksmith in Tampa. Debris Debris can accumulate in the strike plate's catch due to a variety of factors. The catch hole might be partially blocked if wood or material from the door jam comes away. Examine the hole in the door jam where the latch should be landing w...